The Wellness Report
Children's Health

Children's Health

Nutritional needs vary at different stages/ages of life and gender is a critical factor as well.

We must understand that the body constantly seeks to keep itself in homeostasis, or balance.  With children, their nutritional needs for growth and development must also be taken into consideration.

In children's health, the approach is clear with regard to sugar. Current research suggests a possible link between the mushrooming use of added sweeteners, particularly high-fructose corn syrup, and an alarming increase in obesity and diabetes in this country.

Most kids lead a busy lifestyle with the daily pressures  of peer groups, school demands, perhaps sports or other outside activities.

Good eating habits and sound sleep are critical during this time period but do not always occur.  Fast food and coffee are not an unusual diet for teens these days, unfortunately.

More about Children's Health
Nutrients, Diet & Lifestyle


Bioflavonoids.  Including Rutin and Hesperidin, they work synergistically with Vitamin C to promote integrity and strength of tissues, important to development and also to immune strength.

Biotin. Needed for energy reactions; Biotin production by intestinal bacteria may be interrupted by antibiotic usage.

Choline.  A B-vitamin needed for brain development and neurotransmitter function.

Essential Fatty Acids. Needed for healthy cellular membrane growth and repair.

Vitamins A, C, D and E.  For immune support, connective tissue integrity and healthy bone development. The liver, skin and eyes are also supported by these nutrients.

Vitamin A.  For growth, immune system health, bone growth and development of healthy teeth.

B-vitamins.  For adrenal support, fat metabolism and energy production.

Vitamin C. Essential for connective tissue, bones, cartilage, skin and immune system function.

Vitamin D.  For bones and teeth.

Vitamin E. Acts as an antioxidant to protect cell membranes.  Also for reproductive system health and development.

Zinc. For all cellular growth and for healthy reproductive system development, essential for the immune system. Needed for carbohydrate metabolism because of its role as co-factor in insulin production.

Minerals.  Don't forget minerals!  They are essential for growth, development and overall health of children.  Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and Zinc all support growth and development.  Additionally, Selenium and Molybdenum are important antioxidant minerals and along with Zinc, help to support healthy skin.

Dietary Suggestions

● Healthy sweeteners should be a serious consideration in your choice of children's nutritional supplements. Read labels to help avoid fructose, corn sweeteners and the like.

● For protein, skinless chicken and turkey and broiled fish, are best.

● Raw nuts, olive oil, tuna and trout contain essential fatty acids that are beneficial.

● Drink plenty of water especially steam distilled water.

● Avoid caffeine, chocolate and soda.

● Cut out sugary foods, fried foods, spicy foods, white flour and processed foods. 

● Avoid sources of hydrogenated fats.

● Avoid salt.


● Avoid being sedentary, get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise everyday.

● Keep your weight down.

● Get daily sunlight for the production of Vitamin D.